


Every Spotlight student gets a minimum of one voice lesson and coaching and six mornings of classes per week. We may not get to everything listed below every season, but we fit in as much as possible!

Biweekly acting classes with one of our amazing stage director/acting coaches.





the business of singing

5 private voice lessons, minimum 2 private dramatic coachings, 1 private career consultation, and many, many musical coachings.

Spotlighters meet weekly for a mock audition before a panel of faculty and guest experts and receive immediate, thorough, and always kind feedback.

Spotlight Founder & Executive Director Cindy Sadler’s popular course covers every aspect of starting a singing career, from creating an effective press kit, to finding and landing auditions, to self-management and working with agents, and more.


Vocal health


ensemble Skills






Side Hustles










NEW. Working in small, dedicated groups, each student chooses a project to develop and prepare for marketing over the course of the program.

Learn how to keep healthy during an intensive experience like Spotlight, and beyond.

Whether it’s a professional opera chorus, your local church choir, or an esteemed pro choir like Seraphic Fire, Conspirare, or the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, there’s some good money to be made as a high-quality professional chorister. Learn the skills you need to keep yourself in demand.

Good diction is a foundation of good singing. You’ll have an opportunity to perfect your Spotlight repertoire and more.

Master classes with Spotlight and guest faculty are scheduled throughout the duration of the program.

Only a very small percentage of professional musicians make their living solely from performance. Learn how to develop side hustles that are satisfying, lucrative, and singing-adjacent.

Considering a career in academia, now or in the future? Spotlight’s distinguished faculty discusses what you need to know about academia in 2023, including how to apply, skills and degrees required, advantages and disadvantages, and more.

Every singer needs to know how to fundraise. Asking for money can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Spotlight Development Officer Elizabeth Hurley Cortes teaches you how to overcome your concerns and start raising money for your projects.

Not every singer needs or wants a career at the Met or La Scala. Regional careers can be very fulfilling and attainable. Learn about the advantages and how-tos of regional singing.

Learn about jobs and careers in arts organizations that can be performance-friendly … or might even become a new passion! Taught by Spotlight Founder & Executive Director, Cindy Sadler, Marketing and Communications Manager for Florida Grand Opera.

Dr. William Reber brings back his popular opera conducting seminar. Participation is by invitation only. Interested students may apply directly to Dr. Reber after being accepted to Spotlight.